Here’s what you’ll need to open your account:

  1. Your Photo ID (Driver's License, State ID, Passport, Military ID or Alien Registration Card)
  2. Your Social Security Number

How would you like to open your account?

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Is There an Easy Way to Save Money?

Is There an Easy Way to Save Money?


No.  There is no “easy” way to save money.

Making a commitment to save money is hard work.  The less money you make the more difficult it can be to save money.  But can you save money?


Like flossing, dusting and dieting, saving money is about making a commitment to make it happen.  For some things in life there are no shortcuts.  I have never been a smoker, but I imagine the first step to quitting smoking is the pledge you make to yourself to stop.

Smoking is a habit.  Not smoking is a habit.  When you quit smoking you create a new habit.

Not saving money is a habit.  Saving money is a habit.  If you want to start saving money (or save even more money), then step one is to mentally and emotionally decide to do it.  Make the obligation to yourself.  Create a new habit.

Step two, is to decide where to find the money to save.  For many of us that means we need to stop spending on something else.  When creating a new habit, make it easy.  No one runs a 5K on day one.  You build up your stamina over time.  Saving money is the same formula.

In year one, find a way to save $15/week. If you paired those savings with an Atlantic Kasasa Cash Back checking account or an Atlantic Kasasa Cashchecking account and earned cash rewards, then your savings would increase even more.

You won’t be buying a new car with your savings after a year, but you will have created a new habit.  Then in year two, find ways to increase your savings.

Of course having kids open a savings account at a young age can help create excellent saving habits for life. We offer a youth saving account.  Kids 12 and under can get started with as little as $5.

How much should you be saving? It depends on where you are in your life cycle and your goals for the future. If you are not in a saving habit today, then make it easy to begin.  Plan to save 1%-2% of your total salary.  No matter what you earn, 1%-2% should be doable.  Is it easy?  No, not at all.  Is it possible?

Yes, if you make the commitment.

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